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Internet forums are quite a popular thing, especially among female users. Now on the “Runet” "There are a lot of communities with parenting topics, fashion and hobbies. Many of them are unique, while the rest do not stand out from the crowd. The portal forum group is distinguished...

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Construction is a rather difficult process, especially if you have to do it yourself, so the presence of forums and portals about construction often help out ordinary fans of building buildings. Among the many Russian portals on this topic, we can highlight the largest of them - ...

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Regardless of the economic state of the country as a whole, the construction of new residential premises always continues. Every year, the number of new buildings in Russian cities increases rapidly, so many families buy just such houses. Before purchasing a new home, it is recommended to fami...

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Technical professions are increasingly predominant in society, so an increase in the number of competent specialists and engineers in the field of design is quite logical. For such specialists and “newbies”, there are a huge number of thematic forums on the RuNet, each of which publishes technica...

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If earlier young mothers had to learn everything about raising a child on their own, now just visit one of the many forums. Such portals are entirely dedicated to raising and caring for a child, so even experienced mothers will gain a lot of knowledge on such pages. One of the most famous Rus...

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Design and installation of various structures is a rather difficult process, so the work of competent specialists in this area is rated quite highly. With the proper approach and the availability of competent instructions and “tips”, some installation work can be done independently. For such l...

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The Internet has long turned into a source of searching for information on all sorts of issues, which is why the existence of services like “question- answer" is logical. On most of these sites, the answers to questions are provided by the users themselves. For example, the Bolshoyvopros portal ...

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One of the ways to “kill time” on the Internet is surfing entertainment sites. In addition to various public pages and thematic communities on social networks, the number of entertainment and humorous portals is now increasing. Along with well-known sites like Pikabu, Reddit and Habr, the port...

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Many information and news publications have long retrained to the interactive version, so the increase in the number of portals like few people are surprised. Current news of the region, weather forecast, postal service, section with advertisements, posters and dating - all this is combined...

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Account (from the English word “account”). An account is a personal account of a visitor to a website, forum or other Internet platform, containing a minimum set of information about its owner. Abbreviations in the form of words are used in speech: acc, profile, account, account. When consi...

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Many parents, both young and experienced, give advice on raising and caring for their children use various Internet forums. This is quite logical and convenient, because... all information on parenting issues and the pregnancy period is posted by the same users who have already experienced all th...

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With the development of virtual mapping programs and online services, the need for paper directories of places has practically disappeared. The presence of such portals as, whose official website is accessible even to unauthorized users, greatly simplifies the search for the necessary inf...

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The field of online sales is gradually increasing its volume, so the emergence of more and more platforms for posting advertisements logical. At the same time, in addition to standard publication portals, so-called online auctions are also developing. These commodity slot auctions allow users ...

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The existence of online platforms for posting advertising and private advertisements for the sale of goods has long been not uncommon, although while online auctions are just beginning to gain popularity in Russia. Now there are a lot of similar auctions on the RuNet, but only a few of them are t...

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Many film lovers, before going to the cinema, study in detail information about the film, its actors, directors and plot, so the existence of such portals as “Kinopoisk” is quite logical. The website is the most famous cinema portal in Russia, which publishes content directly related...

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Love of automotive topics is manifested not only in owning a real car, but also a radio-controlled one . Such “adult toys” are very common among radio and electrical engineering enthusiasts. Radio-controlled cars, planes, ships are a very interesting hobby, so the number of fans of this hobby is ...

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Most ordinary users use the Internet as a means of entertainment, so the popularity of news and entertainment portals is quite logical . Now that language barriers are no longer a problem (especially on the Internet), foreign sites are beginning to enjoy particular popularity. In this regard, htt...

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It has long been known that roads in Russia leave much to be desired, especially outside large cities, so many car enthusiasts prefer to purchase all-wheel drive cars. Foreign “frameworks” and domestic “fields” have long earned the reputation of being passable vehicles everywhere, so the existenc...

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Every year the number of car enthusiasts is growing more and more, as more and more new car models appear on the market with all sorts of characteristics. It is logical that with the growing popularity of automotive topics, thematic forums and clubs for car enthusiasts began to appear on the Rus...

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The development of online platforms for publishing advertisements on the Internet has brought many benefits to ordinary users , since now to post a post about the sale of a product or real estate, you just need to download the online service application and go through a simple publishing process. ...

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