API Documentation
You can access our API using the goods method up to 100 times every 5 minutes and once every 5 minutes using the categories method (more often there is no point, because product positions are updated with a delay of 30 minutes). There are no limits on purchasing goods through the API, except in cases where a parasitic load is created on the server without purchasing the goods (fraud purchases).
If the limits are exceeded, error {"error_code":429} will be returned with the corresponding HTTP code 429.
For other restrictions, you can agree with us by mail admin@buy-accs.net
When a parasitic load is detected, we block the IP addresses from which they come.
It is better to ask questions in advance than to get blocked.
API methods accept parameters in POST and GET requests.
API key must be passed in parameter api_key.
Example request:
Response is returned in the format application/json.
If errors occur, they will be returned in the key errors.
Example request:
List of languages:
- de - Deutsch
- en - English (US)
- es - Español (España)
- fr - Français (France)
- ru - Русский
- zh - 中文(简体)
Some methods accept or require setting a currency to display
Example request:
List of currencies: rub, usd, eur, cny.
If the method requires specifying a currency, then the corresponding error will be returned in the errors key.
Required parameters:
- currency - Code of the required currency
Example request:
Example request:
The categories array is returned in the key categories.
Each category contains:
- subcategories - array with subcategories
- searchMarkCategories - an array of search tag categories. Each category of search marks contains an array of search marks in the key searchMarks which are used for additional filtering of products in the method goods.
Required parameters:
- currency - Code of the required currency
Optional parameters:
id - Product IDs separated by commas
category_id - Category ID
subcategory_id - Subcategory ID
search_mark_id - Search mark ID
limit - Number of items to be returned. Standard - 100, minimum - 10, maximum - 1000
offset - Offset in the number of viewed products
sort - sorting parameter. Available parameters: id, title, price, count
sort-direction - Sort direction: ASC (Ascending, standard) or DESC (Descending)
Example request:
Return parameters:
- goods - Array of goods
- total - Total number of products
- offset - Offset in the number of viewed products
- pagination - Keys prev and next contain true and false depending on whether there is a next page when current parameters
The product array contains
- not_valid_percent - the number of invalid sales as a percentage from 0 to 100, with a value of -1 indicating that the product has no sales.
- supplier_id - Supplier ID
Required parameters:
- id - Product ID
- count - Quantity of goods to purchase
Optional parameters:
- show_ad - Display advertisements in the file. 1 - display ads (default), 0 - hide ads.
Example of overgrowth:
The response returns the order number in the key order_id and the download link in the key download_url if the link is available immediately after purchase.
Example response: