(accounts with real owners) many 18+!!! Checked through the Web site without token (do not ban on like token) login: pass (if there is no entrance to the password) - try the old authorization - https://oauth.vk.com/authorizeclient_id=6121396 tenacious !!! Item No.49383
- Full information is available on the product page
108.75 ₽
765 PC.
confirmed by SMS or the number is untied - the country's mix use proxy! Issue Login: Password:id Part of the accounts can be with subscribers, this is summarized with the common number of friends (keep in mind) Item No.42997
- Full information is available on the product page
656.25 ₽
8 PC.
VKontakte CHATS 250,000 pieces database collected across the Russian Federation
+ Additional filters for convenient use
* Valid links to chats - when collecting this huge database, each chat was checked for validity
* Larger chats - if small chats are more often advertised in post searches, then here you yourself regulate the number of participants when collecting
* about 251,000 chats from 1 participant
* about 187,000 chats from 10 participants
* about 60,000 chats from 100 participants
* about 42,000 chats from 200 participants
* about 18,000 chats from 500 participants
* about 7,000 chats from 1,000 participants
* about 600 chats from 5000 participants
The current version of the chat database was collected at the end of June 2024
250,000 chats Item No.42995
- Full information is available on the product page
3,001.50 ₽
2 PC.
Make yourself: needlework, ideas, decor vk.com/hand.mades 25000 subscribers Item No.34876
- Full information is available on the product page
67,500.00 ₽
1 PC.
Sports girl | Sport Fitness Figure vk.com/club37660061 58000 subscribers Item No.34878
- Full information is available on the product page
67,500.00 ₽
1 PC.
High -quality author VKontakte accounts, without *2FA *. Manual registration and page design. Draw from 18 months to several years. 10-100 friends and shopping people (total). Confirmed by SMS for exclusive numbers (RU+7/KZ). You can change to your SIM card. Female gender. Year of registration, filling the profile, country, age, names - randomly+avatar+cover+subscription. Suitable for personal use for a long time subject to the rules of social networks vk.com. Also with the accounts, an imitation of “online” activity was carried out (there may be chats and records on the wall)- to minimize the probability of a ban after sale. In some accounts, the avatar and photographs could be replaced after departure, in the process of pre -sale preparation. Important information: For safe authorization, we use a private window in the browser (incognito) at the entrance to the account. From one IP not more than 3 accounts per day. The first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login: pass: id. Pleasant use !!! Item No.37767
- Full information is available on the product page
1,121.25 ₽
2 PC.
High -quality author of user accounts VKontakte, without *2FA *. Manual registration and page design. Draw from 6 months to several years. Confirmed by SMS for exclusive numbers (RU +7/KZ). You can change to your SIM card. Male Paul. Filling out the profile, GEO, age, names, number of friends and subscribers: random. There may be old chats. Suitable for personal use for a long time subject to the rules of social networks vk.com. Also with the accounts, an imitation of "online" activity was carried out (there may be fresh chats and records on the wall)- to minimize the probability of a ban after sale. In some accounts, the avatar and photographs could be replaced after the Hold, in the process of pre -sale preparation. Important information: Important information: For safe authorization, we use a private window in the browser (incognito) at the entrance to the account. From one IP not more than 3 accounts per day. The first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login: pass: id. Pleasant use !!! Item No.51040
- Full information is available on the product page
783.75 ₽
4 PC.
qualitatively restored users of VKontakte, without *2FA *. Manual registration and page design. Frend from 6 months to several years. Confirmed by SMS for exclusive numbers (RU +7/KZ). You can change to your SIM card. Female gender. Filling out the profile, GEO, age, names, number of friends and subscribers - random+avatar+cover+subscriptions. | There may be old dialogs and Posts on the wall. Suitable for personal use for a long time subject to the rules of social networks vk.com. Also with the accounts, imitation of "online" activity (there may be fresh chats and records)- to minimize the probability of a ban after sale. In some Avatar accounts and photographs could be replaced after the Hold, in the process of pre -sale preparation. Important Information: For safe authorization, we use a private window in the browser (incognito) at the entrance to the account. With one IP not more than 3 accounts per day. The first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login: pass: id. Pleasant use !!! Item No.48215
- Full information is available on the product page
708.75 ₽
1 PC.
High -quality author VKontakte accounts, without *2FA *. Manual registration and page design. Draw from 18 months to several years. 10-100 friends and subscribers (total). Confirmed by SMS for exclusive numbers (RU+7/KZ). You can change to your SIM card. Male Paul. The year of registration, filling out the profile, country, age, names-radon+avatar+cover+subscriptions. Suitable for personal use for a long time subject to the rules of social networks vk.com. Also with the accounts, an imitation of “online” activity was carried out (there may be chats and records on the wall)- to minimize the probability of a ban after sale. In some accounts, the avatar and photographs could be replaced after the Hold, in the process of pre -sale preparation. Important information: For safe authorization, we use a private window in the browser (incognito) at the entrance to the account. From one IP not more than 3 accounts per day. The first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login: pass: id .. pleasant use !!! Item No.37855
- Full information is available on the product page
1,121.25 ₽
1 PC.
High -quality author VKontakte accounts, without *2FA *. Manual registration and page design. Flotry from 12 months to several years. Confirmed by SMS for exclusive numbers (RU+7/KZ). You can change to your SIM card. Female gender. Year of registration, filling the profile, country, age, names, number of friends random+avatar+cover+subscription. Suitable for personal use for a long time subject to the rules of social networks vk.com. Also with the accounts, an imitation of “online” activity was carried out (there may be chats and records on the wall) - to minimize the probability of a ban after sale. In some accounts, the avatar and photographs could be replaced after departure, in the process of pre -sale preparation. Important information: For safe authorization, we use a private window in the browser (incognito) at the entrance to the account. From one IP not more than 3 accounts per day. The first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login: pass: id. Pleasant use !!! Item No.37757
- Full information is available on the product page
971.25 ₽
10 PC.
Publics are partially filled, suitable for mass spam in the search line of VK, for the start of something new or advancement of the old. due to the venaway for six months +, and special conditions will not make you wait for.
I work perfectly in combination with monetization from VK for 600r test period. You fill out the creative, then in the settings in the information section you need to write TIN (any) after that, go to the “Community Advertising” section and take advertising for 600 rubles. due to the fact that the publics were created according to special conditions - they They will overtake even existing competitors in the search line along the same tags.
Good discount- for a purchase from 100 publics. (at a discount, turn to those support) for wholesalers there is a lifelong consultation on the topic of proper operation in an advertising company. #1012 How to get rights after payment you need to subscribe to the community with the account, it is the account, to which you need to transfer the rights. after you signed up, you need to write a message in those support and inform who needs to transfer the rights. Item No.49355
- Full information is available on the product page
1,500.00 ₽
22 PC.
vk.com Retrive [ru sim] - floor: mix from 100 + friends. (They are thawed on private mobile proxies live perfectly.) - on the account guaranteed to be 100 + and above not wound (not dogs, but real friends!) Suitable for any tasks
- The gender of the masculine
- good are good Accounts, suitable for any tasks
- Russian names and surnames
Item No.43384
- Full information is available on the product page
300.00 ₽
5 PC.