Accounts Yandex Direct with passed moderation. you can download your advertising campaign.age of accounts3+ months. Accounts are guaranteed to workfor contextual advertising.mail is also working.#1006
cookiesin the kit. Cookies in json format.
Advertiser's data in the account are completely filled out (name IP, TIN, OKVED)Profile is completely filled, added Avatar, name.Enter And we recommend using accounts only
with Russians IP, Any private (mobile or static). It is advisable to use the anti -detailed browser.#1012
format of issued accounts:#1080#1081#1141#5002#1014l1016@: n1083@1083@1083@1083@ AROL
: otweet on the control question
: Cookies#1086
- Pure phone number (SMS service);
- Pure and unique Ip;
- a clean and unique browser;
- clean and unique PC;
- Moderation passed;
- Lack of lock;
can be used for:
activation of promotional codes;#1095Tear off Advertising;#1096other needs.#1097#1098- Recommendations on the use of accounts, answers to frequent questions:
carefully read the description and make sure that this is exactly what you are interested in.
Try to buy accounts in a small amount of up to 10 pieces and test for your purpose .
for the entrance use high-quality proxy.
- Rules for buying accounts:#1103
- Help in buying accounts:
! English_content!#1143#5004#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#> IR 1035@Yandex DirectAccounts with Passed Moderation. you can upload your adversing caampaign.cookiesIncluded. Cookies in json format. Age of Accounts 3+ Months. Accounts Are Guaranteed to work for contextual adverTting. Themail is also working.The Profile isCompletely Filled Out, An Avatar, NameHas Been Added.#1113the adversers data in the a CCOUNT IS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT ( Name of Individual Entrepreneur, Inn, Okved).#1115
We Recumbus Accounts Only with Russian IP, Any Private (Mobile Or Static). It isa-use an anti-deeteded browser.
Format of Accounts:#1117#1144#5005l@l@l@l@l@l@l@l@l@l@l@l@@@@@@@@@@ : Password: answer to secretion: C#1122#1123#1124- Clean Phone Number (SMS Service);#11225);#11225 @
- Clean and Unique IP;
- Clean and Unique Browser;
- Clean and Unique PC;
- Passed;
- Lack Of Blocking;
#1059can be used for:#1131#1132#1145#5006Activation of Promotional Codes;Promotions of AD Vertisements;Other NEEDS.#1135#1136#Before Buying, Read Our and.#1137
to get Started, Buy Few Facebook Testing Testing to Make Sure y are good for you.
- How Can I Use Accounts with Cookies :.
Item No.41596