High -quality author VKontakte accounts, without *2FA *. Manual registration and page design. Draw from 6 months to several years. Confirmed by SMS for exclusive numbers (RU +7/KZ). You can change to your SIM card. Female gender. Filling out the profile, Geo, age, names, number of friends: random. Old registration come across, there may be chats. Suitable for personal use for a long time subject to the rules of social networks vk.com. Also with the accounts, an imitation of "online" activity was carried out- for a periodic test for "validity" and a minimum of the probability of a ban after sale. In some accounts, the avatar and photographs could be replaced after the Hold, in the process of pre -sale preparation. Important information: For safe authorization, we use a private window in the browser (incognito) at the entrance to the account. From one IP not more than 3 accounts per day. The first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login: pass: id. Pleasant use !!! Item No.37757
- Full information is available on the product page
840.63 ₽
23 PC.
Elite VKontakte accounts, without *2FA *. Manual registration and page design. School of 6+ months. Confirmed by SMS for expensive exclusive numbers (KZ +77). You can change to your SIM card. Female gender. The profile+avatar+cover+subscriptions are filled. 1500+ friends and subscribers in total. Suitable for personal use for a long time subject to the rules of social networks vk.com. Also with the accounts, an imitation of activity was carried out, to lead to a minimum of the probability of a ban after sale. In some accounts, chats could be removed, and the avatar and photos were replaced after the Hold, in the process of pre -sale preparation. Important information: For safe authorization, we use a private window in the browser (incognito) at the entrance to the account. With one ID, authorization is no more than 3 different accounts per day, otherwise ban. At the entrance from different IPs in a row to the same account - ban. The first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login:pass:id. Pleasant use !!! Item No.48681
- Full information is available on the product page
1,371.88 ₽
1 PC.
Our smaller brothers vk.com/b10_animals - 83,000 subscribers Item No.34885
- Full information is available on the product page
85,937.50 ₽
1 PC.
Использовать строго со свежими WEB UserAgent !! ️Ретрив:RU+7 актив ️Пол :ЖЕН ️Друзья:10-50 ️Всем привет,на связи "ЛИКИЙ" ️Аккаунты восстановленные на качественный спам блок ️Используются качественные прокси по гео номера ️При покупке вы хозяин ️По смс активный номер ️Берём,тестим маленькими партиями,подходит берем много ️При невалиде предоставляем пруфы, если вина не ваша,будет замена, каждый случай будет проверяться и расматриваться индивидуально ️Регулярный перечек ️При повышение покупательской способности буду "ПОДЛИВАТЬ" регулярно ️Любые пожелания по аккаунтам и их типам через поддержку маркета :выборка,токен,ава,пол,друзья,возраст и.т.д за ваши деньги любые капризы) ️Любые объёмы 1к+ ️По поводу цены : она будет динамическая, дешевле или дороже, всё зависит от цены смс на сервисах ️ВСЕМ ДОБРА ️, на связи "ЛИКИЙ"!!! Item No.37685
- Full information is available on the product page
221.88 ₽
34 PC.
High -quality author VKontakte accounts, without *2FA *. Manual registration and page design. Draw from 2 months. Confirmed by SMS for exclusive numbers (RU +7/KZ). You can change to your SIM card. Female gender. Filling out the profile, Geo, age, names, number of friends: random. Suitable for personal use for a long time subject to the rules of social networks vk.com. Also with the accounts, an imitation of "online" activity was carried out- for a periodic test for "validity" and a minimum of the probability of a ban after sale. Important information: For safe authorization, we use a private window in the browser (incognito) at the entrance to the account. From one IP not more than 3 accounts per day. The first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login: pass: id. Pleasant use !!! Item No.48668
- Full information is available on the product page
715.63 ₽
6 PC.
vk.com Autoreg [ru Sim +7] - Paul: Women. Fully filled. Russia, registration on private mobile proxies live perfectly. #1001#1002 fully filled accounts registered on RU SIM using good proxy.Suitable for any tasks are registered automatically Using the programHigh-quality ru proxy#1016#confirmed by sms +7Filling: Avatark, 7-12 photos, audio, status, status, life position, interests, interests, interests Paul: Women'sformat Login#5001#1020Guarantee for the numbers of 3 days from the moment of purchase !!!#1011 Item No.43041
- Full information is available on the product page
218.75 ₽
15 PC.
vk.com Retrive [ru Sim] - Paul: mix from 100 + friends. (They are thawed on private mobile proxies live well.) #1001##1002 on the account guaranteed to be 100 + not wound (not dogs, but real friends!) Suitable for any tasksFloor mix Most womenGood Accounts, suitable for any task Item No.43384
- Full information is available on the product page
250.00 ₽
16 PC.
Автореги сделаны на качественных резидентных прокси согласно своей стране, в регистрации используется 25-30 редких стран, которые показали за время свою устойчивость в работе, друзья набивались в специализированных группах ВК, где так же есть живые люди. Страны тасуются таким образом что вам в пачке из 10 аккаунтов может попасться 3-5 стран, это уменьшает шанс банов вашей сети, а при бане по 1 стране снизит ваши потери. Баны в отлежке крайне редки и не массовые. Заполнение остается на вас, берите на тест. Имена иностранные, на латинице! Item No.36878
- Full information is available on the product page
375.00 ₽
16 PC.
- Все аккаунты в формате номер:пароль - Без фотографий и заполнения. Пустые аккаунты! - Авторег, аккаунты БЕЗ владельца, привязан телефон! - MIX номера (разные префиксы номеров) - При создании использовались качествнные резиденские прокси, большой пул IP адресов (30,000,000 IPs) - Используйте АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ юзер агенты (свежие версии браузеров) Item No.43379
- Full information is available on the product page
107.45 ₽
223 PC.
Smart humor vk.com/b10.smarthumor - 233000 subscribers Item No.34886
- Full information is available on the product page
359,375.00 ₽
1 PC.
Psychology of life vk.com/public42659377 - 88,000 subscribers Item No.34884
- Full information is available on the product page
187,500.00 ₽
1 PC.
Do it yourself: handicrafts, ideas, decor vk.com/hand.mades 31000 subscribers Item No.34876
- Full information is available on the product page
56,250.00 ₽
1 PC.