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Slovenia 350 € Google Ads (Adwords) promo code, coupon (supplier #12, item #11983)

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Slovenia Google Ads promo code for €350, provided you spend €350. Can only be applied to accounts with a Slovenian billing address After entering the coupon, you need to top up your account (can be done in parts) or activate automatic payment and spend €350 or more on advertising. excluding taxes for up to 60 days. Soon you will receive coupon money on your balance more often within a couple of days. The promotional code can be used by new Google Ads (AdWords) customers in accounts no older than 14 days from the date the ad was first shown. Found in the "Payment" section. Do not violate the general rules of Google Ads and everything will be OK, they will not ban you for my coupons. Official source. Enter into your account within 15 days after purchase, further claims will not be accepted. Coupons usually work until the end of the year, but I advise you not to delay. You can only use 1 coupon per account. Below are the detailed terms and conditions in the original language: 1. Ponuka je dostupná len pre nových inzerentov v službe Google Ads, ktorí majú fakturačnú adresu v Slovenskej republike. Každý inzerent smie použiť jednu promo ponuku. 2. Ak chcete ponuku aktivovať, kliknite na tlačidlo alebo odkaz spojený s touto ponukou, aby sa automaticky uplatnila vo vašom prvom účte Google Ads. Promo ponuku si musíte uplatniť vo svojom prvom účte Google Ads do 14 days prvého zobrazenia reklamy. 3. Promo ponuka sa uplatní vo vašom účte len vtedy, ak počas prvotnej registrácie pridáte platobný profil a platný spôsob platby. 4. Ak chcete získať kredit Google Ads, po uplatnení promo ponuky v účte Google Ads musia vaše reklamné kampane do 60 dní vygenerovať náklady aspoň vo výške 350 EUR (bez daní a príslušných poplatkov). Nestačí vykonať platbu vo výške 350 EUR. Reklamné náklady započítavané do sumy 350 EUR sa začnú sledovať po uplatnení promo ponuky. 5. Po vykonaní 5. kroku a za predpokladu, že sú splnené všetky kontroly oprávnenosti, sa kredit zvyčajne do 35 days pripíše v súhrne fakturácie vo vašom účte Google Ads.

Item No.11983

30 minutes are allotted for checking the goods, for some items up to 24 hours.
Check the product immediately and report any problems to the administration.

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Advantages of our store
  1. Online sales store has existed for more than 10 years!

  2. We have verified WebMoney with BL 550+, Ymoney and all payment gateways

  3. We always exchange invalid goods for working ones, or make a refund to the balance of your personal account!

  4. In our supplier database there are more than 500 suppliers who are ready to sell their goods!

Why is it worth making a purchase from us!?

  1. You will always find the right product in our store, there are more than 20,000 items on sale

  2. In case of an invalid product, we give more than an hour to check the product, and in some cases even 24 hours.

  3. Our store is one of the most convenient in terms of functionality, selection of accounts and services, we accept more than 30 types of payment.

  4. We have our own API, with the help of which you can create a similar store or buy goods automatically!

  5. Qualified technical support service, capable of answering even the most difficult questions from users, will not leave you indifferent. Feel free to contact our specialists, they will definitely help you.

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