Total quantity of goods: 8 946 pieces



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Our advantages
100%   refund

100% refund

if the supplier gave a guarantee


We are more than 10 years old, no negative reviews!
Instant delivery of goods

Instant delivery of goods

(less than 10 seconds)


from 1 account (for wholesale there are discounts)


Qualified technical support
Important information - service for boosting clicks and transitions. Increase clicks on banners and advertisements, templates and actions, transitions, choice of geotargeting, control panel, conversion statistics, traffic criteria, geo and countries. High-quality traffic, promotion of any actions for your projects and sites. ADVERTISING

Are you looking for a reliable SMM/SMO performer on social networks? Consider cooperation with - JET-S.RU offers services on the VK, FB, Insta, TW, OK, Telega, YouTube, TikTok, Apple, Android, Yandex.Zen, Avito networks. Contact us, consultations are free. We master large budgets and solve non-standard turnkey tasks! ADVERTISING

Create an account in the service and make purchases using your personal account balance.

For regular customers there is a 5% discount for all products. More products - after registration!

[SET UP UA + 9 PM] KING Facebook Ukraine. MANUAL FARM 7 DAYS 9 RK. Fun Page | 2FA+ | Mail included. Number deleted | Profile and Fan Page are filled | Token (EAAB), User-agent and Cookies [#51] (supplier #74, product #28460)

Facebook BM
0 once
4 things
Min order:
1 PC.
1,551.90 ₽ / PC.

If you buy from 1 piece per day daily, you can contact support to receive an individual offer!:)

  • In case of ZRD - Replacement
  • Check accounts IMMEDIATELY after purchasing online with an account checker, for example: =checkaccs
  • You have 2 hours to check accounts after purchase, buy and check IMMEDIATELY
  • If you log into your account, there may not be a replacement (depending on the situation)
  • Log into accounts strictly with a proxy of the country of registration! There are no replacements or refunds in other cases.

Dear clients, there is currently a storm on Facebook BM (massive BM SAM). We warn you that the BM SAM is not a reason for replacement until the situation with the BM calms down.

  • Facebook accounts are registered manually in the emulator via SMS;
  • 9 advertising accounts have been added to the account, not counting the RK king (accounts where the RK was created are included);
  • A new type of native Fan Page has been created;
  • Confirmed by mail, working mail included;
  • The number has been deleted to protect you from checks on the number;
  • Registration and all actions on accounts were carried out from the IP of Ukraine;
  • Farming accounts from 7+ days of farming, daily activity (posts , likes, comments, groups, etc.).Activity on and off Facebook;
  • Gender female;
  • Account names in Cyrillic/Latin;
  • An avatar, a cover have been added to the profile, 3+ groups have been added, info, hobbies, 10+ posts, 30+ friends;
  • Token (EAAB), Useragent and Cookies included. Cookies in JSON format.
  • 2-factor authentication is set.
  • Format of issued accounts: Login: Password: link_to_accounts_RK: First name: Last name:Fb_ID: Mail: Mail_password: 2FA:User-Agent:Cookies:Act:Token;date_of_birth

  • Would you like to buy Ukrainian accounts?

    We offer registration via SMS, which will provide a quick and convenient way to access one of the most popular social networks. A Facebook page is created in minutes and is completely ready for use: WORK email is linked, photos of posts 5-8 , an avatar has been created, and there are friends on the page from 0 to 120. By ordering autoregistration accounts, you will also receive a ready-to-use EAAB token and cookies stored in JSON, which will ensure secure and stable access to the page.

  • Looking to buy accounts UA?

    Looking to buy auto-regs in the UA?We offer SMS registration, providing a quick and convenient way to access one of the worlds most popular social networks .Your Facebook page will be ready for immediate use with a working attached email, 5-8 photo posts, an avatar, and 0-120 friends on the account.By ordering auto-accounts, youll also get a ready-to-use EAAB token and JSON cookies, which ensures a safe and stable access to your page.

  • Item No.28460

    30 minutes are allotted for checking the goods, for some items up to 24 hours.
    Check the product immediately and report any problems to the administration.

    Buy now
    WebMoney WMZ VISA/MasterCard Юмани Сбербанк Лава Енот Tether Tron Perfect Money Bitcoin ERC-20 Litecoin Dogecoin Трон
    Advantages of our store
    1. Online sales store has existed for more than 10 years!

    2. We have verified WebMoney with BL 550+, Ymoney and all payment gateways

    3. We always exchange invalid goods for working ones, or make a refund to the balance of your personal account!

    4. In our supplier database there are more than 500 suppliers who are ready to sell their goods!

    Why is it worth making a purchase from us!?

    1. You will always find the right product in our store, there are more than 20,000 items on sale

    2. In case of an invalid product, we give more than an hour to check the product, and in some cases even 24 hours.

    3. Our store is one of the most convenient in terms of functionality, selection of accounts and services, we accept more than 30 types of payment.

    4. We have our own API, with the help of which you can create a similar store or buy goods automatically!

    5. Qualified technical support service, capable of answering even the most difficult questions from users, will not leave you indifferent. Feel free to contact our specialists, they will definitely help you.

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