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Quick Sender program: review, reviews, analogues

Quick Sender ProgramAutomatic promotion of social networks is becoming increasingly popular, since almost every entrepreneur and company has their own pages on VKontakte "or "Instagram", so their promotion significantly increases the overall recognition of a brand or product. Until recently, to increase the activity of a group or community, it was necessary to turn to professional PR managers or advertisers, whereas today it is enough to find a suitable tool or service for independent promotion .Publishing posts, searching for the target audience, mutual following and liking - all these are the same, long processes that can be set up and automated in specialized programs. Moreover, after completing the tasks, you can always familiarize yourself with the statistics and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of promotion yourself, while professional managers social networks provide only the final result of promotion.

In this article we will look at the utility Quick Sender for working with VKontakte accounts. Let's consider the main advantages and disadvantages of the program, how to install it and user reviews.

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We are a 100% reliable account store!
Пункт 1

We send accounts in just 5 seconds to your e-mail address!

Пункт 2

Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!

Пункт 3

We automatically create a personal account with the history of all your orders

Пункт 4

Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)

Пункт 5

Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service, service, forum

Пункт 6

Our accounts work stably on most types of Proxy

Pros and cons of the Quick Sender program

The main specialization of the program is the promotion of accounts of the social network “Vkontakte”, so we immediately note that the service is not suitable for promoting other pages, for example on Instagram and Odnoklassniki.
Quick Sender program features Let's take a closer look at the main advantages and disadvantages of the program: Pros of Quick Sender

  • Ability to automatically search for target audience
  • Automation of all promotion activities
  • Availability of the function of simultaneous promotion of 100 accounts at once
  • The presence of an answering machine, which greatly simplifies the maintenance of communities on VKontakte
  • Intuitive interface of the desktop application

Cons Quick Sender

  • Significant limit restrictions when promoting in the “Demo” version
  • High subscription cost (for the full version you will have to pay 2800 rubles)
  • Modest program design for Windows

The program is great for individual entrepreneurs, business owners, famous personalities, as well as for ordinary users who want to increase activity on their page or in the community.More details about the main advantages of the program can be found on the main page of the official website Quick Sender. Here you can also find all the information about the cost of a subscription to the full version of Quick Sender.
Who is the Quick Sender program suitable

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How does Quick Sender work?

At the moment, the program developers distribute only the stationary version of the utility, so users who are accustomed to using such services online (cloud programs) can find other analogues of Quick Sender, which can be downloaded on any software portal, or get used to the stationary version. Otherwise, the program is not much different from conventional services for boosting activity, as well as automating processes within a social network. Almost all of the functionality of the utility is automated, so it is enough to set up the basic search criteria for the target audience once and run tasks.
Appearance of the Quick Sender program In addition to standard functions for increasing activity, the program allows you to connect additional services, such as an answering machine for new subscribers of the VKontakte community. The principle of operation is extremely simple: after downloading and installing the program on your computer, the user is required to attach his VK account (or several pages at once, in depending on the version of the program), after which you can start setting up tasks for cheating, which will be performed automatically. The user can only track all the actions of the automatic algorithms in the utility log.

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What tasks can be solved using Quick Sender?

As already noted, all the functionality of Quick Sender is aimed at promoting accounts on the VKontakte social network, so its specialization is quite narrowly focused.Next, let's look at the main list of tasks that the utility can handle:

  • Automatic liking, following and unfollowing Automatic liking, following and unfollowing
  • Sending messages (autoresponder) Sending messages (autoresponder) Quick Sender
  • Add as a friend
  • Parsing
  • Search for a target audience using specified criteria (hashtags, geolocation, etc.).
It is worth mentioning the built-in function of the VK parser, which significantly simplifies the search for the target audience. The process of searching for new potential subscribers (customers of your product or service) occurs thanks to the analysis of groups, publics and communities. Note that this search occurs according to previously specified criteria, namely :
  • User gender
  • Page type (open or closed)
  • Group search is carried out by number of participants, country, city

Otherwise, all the functionality of Quick Sender is familiar to users who have at least once encountered services for boosting activity.

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How to download Quick Sender?

Having familiarized yourself with the main advantages of the program and having determined the main functionality, you can go to the Quick Sender website, which you can download for free here. It’s immediately worth noting that for new users it would be logical to download the “demo” version, since not everyone may like it design or interface of the utility. Let's consider the process of downloading and installing the program in more detail:

  1. First, let's visit the official website of the developer, where there is additional information about the capabilities of the utility, as well as its cost

  2. Next click on the “download Quick Sender demo” box

  3. We get to the download page and wait for the archive to be completely downloaded Download the Quick Sender program

  4. Unpack the files from the archive into the desired folder or onto the desktop.Extracting from the archive
Important! The weight of the archive is about 14 megabytes, however, after unpacking the files may weigh more, so you should take this into account when downloading.

In addition to the official website, the archive with the program can be installed from third-party sources, for example from software sites.However, before downloading, be sure to turn on your antivirus, otherwise you risk getting unwanted programs or viruses on your PC.

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How to download the cracked Quick Sender?

As in any other case, when the full version of the utility costs real money, users begin to wonder how to download a cracked quick sender for free. Let us immediately note that the developers do not advise even looking for similar versions of the program, since most of such offers are deception of scammers. On some thematic forums, links to download the free version of the license sometimes “pop up”, for example, on the site In some cases, when the owner of an official license reinstalls the operating system or partially updates his computer, he loses the official key. In this case, the developers additionally require an additional 200 rubles, so it’s easier to try to find an already hacked version of the utility. Despite all the cautions and warnings from the developers, it’s impossible to find It is still possible to crack, and many online stores or forums give out license keys for free.

Important! If you are offered to purchase a free license for real money, feel free to refuse the seller, as this is most likely a scammer.

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How to download for free with the Quick Sender key?

After reading the demo version of the program, many users want to get an official license, but do not want to pay real money. In this case, they try to find the answer to the question “how to download for free with a quick sender key?” It is worth noting that in almost 90% of cases, offers to download a Quick Sender key for free will be from scammers, so we strongly do not recommend contacting such sellers. Some sites like besplatno.html offer to share a post about the article on a social network, after which you will have access to download, but only the demo version. In this case, you don’t have to try to look for a “freebie”, but purchase a license for your own money. Despite availability of limits in the demo version there are always tricks that you can use to extend your period of free use. Having previously changed the proxy and registered a new VK account, you can always re-register on the site and continue working .It is also worth remembering that the service in question is far from the only one, so you can always find a replacement or an analogue of the promotion program, which also provides demo periods, some of which reach 3 months, rather than looking for a cracked Quick Sender on suspicious sites.

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How to use Quick Sender?

Like any similar service, Quick Sender has its own peculiarities for managing promotion tasks, so before downloading, we recommend viewing several “guides” for working with the program on YouTube. Since the application interface is completely Russified, you can always learn how to work with it using the “method” Tyka", however, the "Help" tab in the application itself will help you adapt to the utility much faster. Also in the FAQ section there are answers to popular user questions. All main functionality is divided into several sections: "parser", "mailing", "inviter", " liker" and "manager", each of which is supplemented with its own tips.Faq on the Quick Sender site Otherwise, the management is not much different from similar services, so new users will not have problems with “adaptation” to the program.

As for problems and errors that arise when promoting a social network, all questions and suggestions can be asked to the developers at official website. Here you can discuss problems with paying for a license or renewing it.

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Quick sender for VKontakte promotion

As already noted, the main specialization of the program is the promotion of accounts of the social network VKontakte. Constant updates of VK allow you to use promoted communities as advertising platforms, and turn a huge number of users into potential buyers of goods or services. Let's consider the process of using Quick Sender for promotion in VKontakte:

  1. After completing the installation on your PC and attaching a VK account to it, you can start promoting
  2. In the required section, select specific promotion tasks
  3. Specify task criteria
  4. Track the results of the utility, and also adjust the settings
Important!Since the VKontakte administration is actively fighting against all types of cheating, when using Quick Sender you should pause in completing tasks, otherwise you risk losing your page and community.

Separately, we note the effectiveness of connecting the autoresponder function, since new community subscribers can receive all the primary information about a product or service instantly after subscribing.

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Quick Sender Reviews

The program has been on the advertising utilities market for a long time, so during this period a lot of reviews and comments about working with Quick Sender have appeared on the Internet. Many users note the high speed of the promotion tasks, as well as the wide functionality. The disadvantages include the high cost and “modest” design and interface. More details about quick sender reviews of 2018 can be found by following the link or http://otzovik .com/reviews/programma_quick_sender. In addition to these comments about quick sender, the official website Quick Sender contains several more links to “reviews”. In addition to standard text reviews, the YouTube video hosting site has a lot of videos about working with application, after viewing which you can independently understand all the issues of interest.

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