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Coupons:, Turboliker, Like4u, Vtope

Coupons:, Turboliker, Like4uIn this article we will discuss various sites for promotion on social networks . You probably know most of these sites, if not, then we will list the list below. The vast majority of sites of this type work on exchange, roughly speaking, you do some actions on the site and for this you get various points. Actions can be absolutely anything: likes, views, subscriptions or video views. The full list of all available actions includes dozens, sometimes even hundreds of actions. Thus, when you earn internal currency in the future, you can spend it on exactly the same services. This is what they are based on similar sites are based on the principle of exchange. The full list of sites includes dozens, here are some of the most popular ones that sell coupons. In our service you can buy any of the service coupons (or accounts) listed below.

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  • Turboliker Coupons
  • Like4u Coupons
  • Putliker Coupons
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  • Vtope Coupons
These are the main sites that are most popular on the Runet. For the most part, they work only with a Russian-speaking audience.

Is it possible to work while buying points?

Yes, absolutely any user can work in such services. And there are only two options

  1. Earn points/points yourself: in this case, you simply participate in the exchange. By completing other people’s tasks, you receive the internal currency of the service. In the future, you spend the same currency on your own tasks.
  2. Buy points from the system: such sites have the opportunity to buy internal currency. This opportunity is suitable for those people who do not want to exchange actions, but just want to receive a service.
We also want to draw your attention to the fact that buying built-in currency from the system will be quite expensive. It is more profitable to buy coupons. Coupons are the created checks of other users, with a ready-made balance. In simple language, these are the same points and points on these sites, you just buy they are not from the sites, but from other users. There are no differences at all in the built-in currency obtained in two ways. The difference exists only in the price, usually buying coupons with points from other users, you will save 2-4 times at least. It works like this: one of the users of the system who has a certain amount of internal currency wants to sell it, He creates a coupon in his account for a certain amount of currency. Another person, after entering this coupon on the site, receives the currency of this coupon.
You can buy coupons for the sites, Turboliker, Like4u and Vtope in our service.This will be a significant saving of your money, because our coupons are much cheaper than the original sites.

Who would be interested in such promotion services?

Such services will be of interest to various SEO offices and SMM agencies that are in one way or another involved in promotion on social networks. The cost of promotion in such services is very low, which is why it attracts large masses of people. Plus, to promote your page at the initial stage, you can do it completely free of charge - just by participating in the exchange of internal currency (by completing tasks, etc.) All these services will be of interest to those who want to promote themselves on such social networks as: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Moi Mir. The full list of social networks and types of actions on them number in the hundreds.

Main pros and cons of such services

  1. The main advantages of : it is the simplicity and speed of promotion. Using several similar services in combination, you can promote objects well on social networks. Cost is also an advantage similar services - it is very low and accessible to almost anyone.

  2. Main disadvantages: this is publicity. If you want your promotion to remain unnoticed, then this method is not for you. If you use such services - everything will be visible, promotion goes in all directions. The main disadvantage in our opinion is the low Target Audience, because users end up performing actions for points, and not at their own request. It is for this reason that this type of promotion is only suitable for mass audiences, target audience is difficult to reach.
Also, of course, the disadvantages include the low activity of the audience and the possibility of canceling their actions. Roughly speaking, if you get subscribers to your page, then it may be that they will not be interested in you and your topic. Moreover, they may unsubscribe from your page after a while .That is, it will not be possible to forcibly retain users.You can buy coupons for promotion on these sites on our service.To do this, click on the button below and select the desired type of coupon.

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