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Where to buy redirects for a website and how do they happen?

redirects for a website Redirects are called redirecting users from one website to another.

They often use social networks in order for the user to be released by this network via this link to this or that site without any problems.

Another common example is that a person created his own website or online store with good traffic, some problem happened and he had to change the domain to another.

Redirection (redirect) can help in the correct and safe way to attract the client again to the site, but using a different link.

It looks like this - the user types one address in the address bar of the browser, but ends up on a site with a completely different address.

The browser redirects the user to another site. For general reference, we will tell you below what status types of server redirects exist.

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What types of redirects exist based on the response code?

There are more than a hundred types in total, but the main ones are only 7-8 that are actually used on websites and when developing Internet projects.

Let's look at the most basic ones:

  • "300" Multiple Choices (several options to choose from)
  • "301" Moved Permanently
  • "302" Temporary Redirect
  • "303" See Other (the requested resource can be found at another address)
  • "304" Not Modified (the content has not been changed - these could be pictures, style sheets, etc.)
  • "305" Use Proxy (access must be through a proxy)
  • "306" (Unused)

Let's look at when to use the 301st response
The most common problem is when the page is out of date and it is available at a new address. The domain name is changed.

Often programmers use redirection #302, which is called temporary. And to solve problems with a large number of links they use the “single redirect rule”.

You can make a redirect using different technologies:

  1. The most common method in php.
  2. They also use htaccess.
  3. Using html or javascript.

No redirect anywhere if there is a need to change the old domain to a new one.

In this case, the site is moved to a new location, and redirects to new pages of the site are installed on the old one.This is in order not to lose those clients and visitors who were previously.

Who needs to buy redirects and why?

They mainly buy redirects if they need to track user clicks on advertisements.

After the user clicks an advertisement on the site, he leaves it.

In order to record these transitions, they again use a redirect, which redirects the person directly to the advertiser’s website, and before that to a page on your site. Therefore, all clicks are recorded and you can sum up the results without any problems.

In some cases, redirects are used for “referral” links. Nowadays, online stores are popular on the Internet, generally offering either goods or services on a website, and are interested in increasing the flow of customers.

Along with other types of advertising, they also use a referral program: whoever brings an interested client to their website receives either a fixed payment or a certain percentage of purchases.

To keep statistics on who exactly brought the visitor, each partner is given a special referral link, consisting of the name of the site and the partner’s ID. It is for such referral links that redirects are used.

We offer generated redirects.

For all questions, please contact our consultant. If you purchase redirects through our service, the consultant will contact you after payment and clarify the links that need to be made into redirects.

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