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Buy corporate emails

Buy corporate mailWhen working in a large company or if you have a brand, business communication occurs through corporate mail. The main difference between such mail and regular mail – mailbox address format.

Addresses with the company name in the login serve as additional advertising for the brand, so many are interested in where to buy a corporate email address .

The format of a corporate email address for the social network Facebook most often looks like this: This format is convenient when communicating with clients and employees of the company.

Self-registration of addresses in this format takes a lot of time, so buy corporate email is sometimes much easier.

After purchasing a ready-made account, it is enough to change the address to one suitable for the company and continue to use mail.

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We are a 100% reliable account store!
Пункт 1

We send accounts in just 5 seconds to your e-mail address!

Пункт 2

Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!

Пункт 3

We automatically create a personal account with the history of all your orders

Пункт 4

Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)

Пункт 5

Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service, service, forum

Пункт 6

Our accounts work stably on most types of Proxy

Why do we need corporate emails?

The abundance of email services allows users to choose a variety of address formats.

When using the social network Facebook as a corporate page, it would be a good idea to attach an email address for communication in the address format mentioning the company name.

There are several reasons why corporate addresses are so in demand:

  1. Increasing brand awareness. For the client to whom the letter is sent, one glance will be enough to understand the author of the message
  2. Using the mailbox exclusively for work. Work and personal email accounts should not be kept under the same login, as this makes it difficult to find the necessary information among personal messages
  3. Increased message delivery success rate. Since corporate addresses include the use of DKIM and SPF technologies, sent messages reach the recipient with a higher probability than from a standard domain
  4. Ability to attach a company address to third-party resources

Also corporate email can be provided to each employee.

The cost of ready-made accounts is low, so you can purchase a separate mailbox for all participants in business correspondence.

There are several options to get a free mailbox with corporate addresses, but they all have the following disadvantages:

  • Limitations in customizing the mailer for the company's tasks
  • Lack of support from the service administration
  • For large companies, the use of free services affects their reputation.Many may doubt the success of a brand that does not have the ability to create a unique email address

Operating corporate mail over time can turn into an effective tool for gaining an audience. It is much easier for clients to remember unique email addresses.

In addition to the fact that the accounts offered for sale can be used for communication within the company, corporate emails for Facebook allow verification.

If you cannot verify in Facebook Business Manager, you can purchase already verified BMF profiles.

There are several reasons to buy corporate mail in our store:

  1. Low price for accounts. The cost of one unit is only 3 rubles (at the time of writing).At the moment there are about 600 active profiles for sale
  2. Availability of a guarantee for goods. In case of illiquidity of the account, you can issue a return
  3. Detailed description and instructions for observing all the intricacies of using accounts

You need to understand that corporate mail allows you to cement the company’s name in the minds of potential clients. Working communication with such mailers indicates the seriousness of the company.

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