30 minutes are allotted for checking the goods, for some items up to 24 hours.
Check the product immediately and report any problems to the administration.

Sort by: Name ⇅ | ||
5,031.25 ₽
999 PC.
121.88 ₽
628 PC.
2,668.00 ₽
2 PC.
200.10 ₽
497 PC.
187,500.00 ₽
1 PC.
31.25 ₽
46 PC.
906.25 ₽
42 PC.
621.88 ₽
3 PC.
1,562.50 ₽
22 PC.
250.00 ₽
201 PC.
142,188.00 ₽
1 PC.
737.50 ₽
23 PC.
Buy a fake VKontakte account
Modern social network "VKontakte" is a rather popular Russian site.
which is available to everyone in many languages of the world.
and buying fake accounts on the VKontakte social network quite common phenomenon.
Mostly popular among webmasters and marketers.
some users needBuy fake account VKontaktewith available friends on the profile, and there should be many friends.
Most often, such accounts are bought for mass mailing to many users the necessary and important information.

We send accounts in just 5 seconds to your e-mail address!

Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!

We automatically create a personal account with the history of all your orders

Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)

Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service, service, forum

Our accounts work stably on most types of Proxy
fake VKontakte account with friends
In this article we will present viewing information about where you can buy a fake account VKontakte.
why is it necessary and why buyers purchase them in bulk.
when there was an extreme need to buy a page on a social network VKontakte with existing friends.
you just need to use the service provided to make a purchase.
Buy an VK account with friendsyou can in absolutely any store for selling accounts, for example, in our.
do not need to activate them according to SMS, or engage in filling the profile.
you just need to pay for the service provided and go to the link received through which you can download the VKontakte account.
this can be done in automatic mode, all data will come to the mailbox.
We are guaranteed that the quality of the pages will be at a high level.
It is important to understand thatAccounts store VKontakteonly one page will pass in one hand.
so that the user has completely owned the purchase and used it for personal purposes to the full extent.
the same accounts are not sold to many users.
, after all, the page should have only one user.
This is very convenient and practical. Especially at the moment when the page with friends is urgently needed.
why do you need a fake account?
The answer to this actual question is very simple.
There are several common and understandable reasons for buying accounts with a list of finished friends.
We can say that this service provided is very advanced and is in active demand among many users VK.
In addition, you can easily use such a page for information activity.
what does it mean?
For example, for advertising your own online store, attracting society to its work and other types of services provided.
This is very relevant in our time. In addition, such an account can be used to send useful and interesting information to users VKontakte.
A fairly convenient and effective way to draw attention to your problem or interesting information that may interest the audience.
Here's an example of accounts from our store
when hiding the mouse on the “Information” button, a brief description of the account type appears. The link to view it is also available.
We can say for sure thatVKontakte accounts with friends to buyquite simple and available.
and reasons for purchasing such a page are a huge number.
It all depends on the desire of the buyer. When such ready -made accounts are used to observe their “second half”.
It is possible that this is an effective way, but there is no exact answer. Who and what is enough fantasy.
you can add to your girlfriend from someone else's profile, and communicate with her on any topic. It is possible that it will be a kind of check in a kind.
Why buy fake accounts in VKontakte?
Popular and advanced social network VKontakte is used by almost all of the population of our country.
In it you can not only communicate, watch funny videos and view photos of friends, but also do useful things.
is such a kind, information portal in which you can find out everything and get acquainted with the various services that users provide.
therefore such pages sometimes buy in bulk.Why is this done?
For example, three people bought three pages of VKontakte with existing friends, each one.
Next, they create one account for promoting their online store.
Each of them begins to attract his friends to his VKontakte group.
If there are not three such owners of the group, but say 30 - the process will go very quickly.
Friends in each lists are completely different and, therefore, there are much more people who may be interested in the service provided.
If you need to buy VK accounts in bulk, then click on a large green button below and go to the choice.
in our store, accounts are sold on various tabs, carefully choose the type you need.
Service presentation - how to place an order!
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