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Buy accounts to earn money accountsViuly io is an innovative project that seeks to revolutionize the video platform market by completely network decentralization.

The new service will reward authors, advertisers and ordinary users - all participants in the system, thereby eliminating intermediation and injustice.

Absolutely every participant who owns an account can make money on the network. In this article we will talk about some of the features of this site and talk about making money on this site.

In our service you can buy accounts at low prices, to do this, click the button below.

We are a 100% reliable account store!
Пункт 1

We send accounts in just 5 seconds to your e-mail address!

Пункт 2

Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!

Пункт 3

We automatically create a personal account with the history of all your orders

Пункт 4

Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)

Пункт 5

Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service, service, forum

Пункт 6

Our accounts work stably on most types of Proxy

Why do you need the website?

Every day, Internet users watch tons of video content published on major hosting platforms, for example, Vimeo or YouTube (more than 1 billion people are concentrated on it alone, which is 1/3 of all Internet users).

This is a huge industry created for the consumer. It is constantly growing, thanks to which video, according to statistics from Cisco, accounts for 2/3 of all online traffic.

The research agency of the same name claims that 60 seconds of a good video is valued at $1.8 million based on marketing load.

Profit from advertising is a huge multi-billion dollar industry. Existing content sharing platforms take the bulk, leaving 50 to 60% of the income.

The authors themselves work at a fairly low price, disproportionate to their work to create the video. In turn, users receive nothing at all, although without them all this would be impossible.

View of the main page of

We are gradually approaching the revolutionism of the Viuly platform, the developers of which believe that their time has come.

A decentralized content sharing service built on the basis of a “block chain” seeks to reward everyone. Thus, within the platform, authors will receive up to 65% of advertising profits, and subscribers will receive up to 25%.

Decentralization means that there is no single point of control. The project is built on the IPFS protocol, which allows information to be placed in a distributed network that does not have a single center.

Users from all over the world can use additional disk space on their computer to store content available in Viuly.Viuly accounts are divided into the following types of activities:

  1. The author publishes free videos on the site and receives profit from them - donations from other network members or payment for advertising.

  2. The author creates unusual premium videos that cannot be viewed by a standard user. The latter will have to pay the Nth amount, calculated in tokens, and only then will access the content open.

    Thus, you can set up a premium channel, for which people will have to pay a subscription fee (once every 7 days, month or year).

  3. An ordinary user earns money by watching videos offered by the system (recommendations are made based on the results of blockchain algorithm calculations).

In order to start making money on Viuly io, you need to register an account, namely in the right corner there is a “login” button site registration form

A letter will be sent to your email in which you need to click on the “Verify Now” button and confirm your email

Activate your account

The next step is to authorize on the site, this window will appear immediately after clicking on the “Verify Now” button, you must enter your email and password

Authorization form for the site

This is what your personal account looks like on Viuly io Personal Account

All monetary transactions are carried out using VIU coins. They can be withdrawn to a third-party ETH wallet or sold on exchanges. At the moment, there are 1 billion tokens, and no additional release is planned. Roadmap

Why do they buy accounts?

It happens that a user developed his own channel, achieved some success, but is no longer interested in it. It is more profitable for him to sell his project so that the effort spent does not go to waste.

Another situation: a person wants to start his own media project, advertise his business by starting a presence in the network space, he simply dreams of making videos and having people watch them.There can be a lot of options.

The general thing is that in such a situation it is easier to buy Viuly accounts already with subscribers.

By purchasing the page Viuly - this is a way to earn money from the very beginning, which has a positive effect on the content (more money = more desire to try and invest in the video).

Our service sells Viuly accounts at low prices; to purchase, click the button below and select the type of product you need.

Service presentation - how to place an order!