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Buy Pikabu accounts (

buy Pikabu accountsPikabu is a Russian entertainment portal, its address is, which daily delivers a large amount of useful, fun and interesting information daily.

This site has a large number of participants, who unite into almost a whole family that calls themselves pikabushniki.

The resource was launched online in 2009, but to this day no one knows exactly who the creator of the Pikabu site is.

Such a small omission adds mystery and a certain zest to the resource that no other site has.

In our online account store you can quickly buy Pikabu accounts for personal use.

We are a 100% reliable account store!
Пункт 1

We send accounts in just 5 seconds to your e-mail address!

Пункт 2

Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!

Пункт 3

We automatically create a personal account with the history of all your orders

Пункт 4

Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)

Пункт 5

Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service, service, forum

Пункт 6

Our accounts work stably on most types of Proxy

What is Pikabu?

Pikabu is an entertainment portal with an informational focus. On Pikabu, any user of the site can post informational entries. Posts on Pikabu can be divided into four types:

  • video materials
  • text information
  • pictures that do not contain materials 18+
  • longposts

Each user who has an account on Pikabu can add various materials. If you are not registered, then you only have the opportunity to view materials on this site. All posts that appear in the feed are rated by users.

The post that collects the largest number of “+” ends up on a special page called “hot” or “best”. Many users even dream that their post will end up on at least one of the previously described pages.

All users have a rating, which they receive when they put a “+” on their posts. If a pikabushnik regularly posts interesting posts, then there is a high probability that other users of the resource will subscribe to it. This will allow you to collect an even larger number of “+”, becoming even more popular .

The site has a special category “16+”, where you can post materials of erotic content. A large number of pick-up artists, by posting pictures or photographs of naked women, want to get more “+”, which, in their opinion, should bring them to the top.

As a rule, Pikabu is quite fun, they always discuss current topics, tell the latest news and show the funniest pictures and memes.

However, it is worth noting that the resource has a “bayanometer” that does not miss materials that have already been previously published on the site.

Pikabu also has its own communities on various social networks, where they post posts that are “hot” on the site itself.Thus, the author of the post becomes even more popular.

Why do we need accounts on the Pikabu portal?

As you may have noticed more than once, Pikabu is a fairly popular site today. Let's try to look in more detail at the reasons for the high popularity of the resource:

  • easy way to register
  • a large amount of high-quality and new content daily
  • it is possible to rate the posts of pick-up people
  • users have a rating that determines superiority over others
  • for some achievements the site gives you certain rewards
  • on this site almost all the latest news appears first

Sale of Pikabu accounts in many cases is due to the fact that users like to place their advertisements on the pages of this site. Such advertising will be especially effective if placed on an account that has a fairly high rating and a large number subscribers.

We offer buy Pikabu accounts in our store at an affordable price. We treat each of our clients with respect, so accounts are sold only to one person.

Service presentation - how to place an order!