Total quantity of goods: 8 954 pieces



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Our advantages
100%   refund

100% refund

if the supplier gave a guarantee


We are more than 10 years old, no negative reviews!
Instant delivery of goods

Instant delivery of goods

(less than 10 seconds)


from 1 account (for wholesale there are discounts)


Qualified technical support
Important information - service for boosting clicks and transitions. Increase clicks on banners and advertisements, templates and actions, transitions, choice of geotargeting, control panel, conversion statistics, traffic criteria, geo and countries. High-quality traffic, promotion of any actions for your projects and sites. ADVERTISING

Are you looking for a reliable SMM/SMO performer on social networks? Consider cooperation with - JET-S.RU offers services on the VK, FB, Insta, TW, OK, Telega, YouTube, TikTok, Apple, Android, Yandex.Zen, Avito networks. Contact us, consultations are free. We master large budgets and solve non-standard turnkey tasks! ADVERTISING

Create an account in the service and make purchases using your personal account balance.

For regular customers there is a 5% discount for all products. More products - after registration!

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Buy accounts

buy Nextplus accountsNextplus - an application that allows you to create phone numbers that you can then use for your own needs .

For example, if you need to restore a VKontakte page by phone number or create several pages for promotion.

Phone numbers can be created in unlimited quantities, and it's really convenient!

Of course, you can purchase a new phone number in the store. However, who needs this, if you can buy Nextplus accounts at a lower cost from us, to do this, click on the button below.

We are a 100% reliable account store!
Пункт 1

We send accounts in just 5 seconds to your e-mail address!

Пункт 2

Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!

Пункт 3

We automatically create a personal account with the history of all your orders

Пункт 4

Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)

Пункт 5

Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service, service, forum

Пункт 6

Our accounts work stably on most types of Proxy

Nextplus app benefits

Today, this application is used by millions of people around the world. This is due to the wide abundance of Nextplus benefits:

  1. create new accounts for free
  2. it is possible to create countless accounts for promotion (this takes a lot of time)
  3. does not depend on cellular communication
  4. purchasing Nextplus accounts is possible in our online store
  5. sending and receiving an unlimited number of messages
  6. compatibility with Android devices;
  7. unlimited number of outgoing and incoming calls
  8. there are no tariff plans and other unnecessary nonsense

To create a new number, you will need to provide your data: name, mailbox, and also come up with a password for future login to your account. To create another number, a new mailbox is required.

That is why selling Nextplus accounts from our online store will help you not waste your free time.

Advantages of purchasing accounts in our online store

Our online account store provides the opportunity to buy a variety of accounts in almost unlimited quantities. If you are not satisfied with the purchased accounts, you have the opportunity to return them and get your money back.

All clients receive 24 hours to verify their accounts. After this time, you will no longer be able to return the accounts purchased from us.

To ensure that you always have the opportunity to purchase accounts, as well as obtain the necessary information, our service has a manager working around the clock. He will be able to discuss any questions with you at any time.

Service presentation - how to place an order!