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Which VKontakte accounts are suitable for promoting a group?

Which VKontakte accounts are suitable for promoting a group?The World Wide Web is a launching pad for the exchange of information, trade, advertising. The success of a user’s activities directly depends on popularity - the issue of promotion is relevant. The created group must be promoted, optimizing, gaining subscribers using special programs or self-recruitment. Competent pumping will ensure the group VK has a long existence, user interest, activity, top positions in the TOP, achieving commercial goals. Subsequently, the group is able to grow to a page, then move to the community level. Among the signs of a successful group is an abundance of active participants with the absence (minimum) of bots.

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How to promote a group with your VKontakte accounts?

The following accounts are suitable for simulating activity

  1. Autoreg (bots) - an artificially created page without friends and a unique story on the wall

  2. Fakes/bruts - opened using a password selected by a special program. These are other people's pages of real people, access to which was obtained illegally

  3. Retrieve - restored profiles whose owners have lost access to them. A simple retrieval involves restoring one password - the owner is able to return the page; complex - the hacked page has a new login (phone/e-mail).

A free and accessible way of promotion is to use your own VKontakte accounts. The presence of real subscribers is the key to effective actions. Fakes, brutes and retrievals do not always pay off. They are blocked, turning into faceless “dogs”, bringing a significant problem - the subsequent blocking of the group. VKontakte accounts with friends have a greater chance of success - the future foundation of a live group. It is worth creating a personal page, filling it with the necessary information. The user comes up with various logins and passwords - they do not have to be linked to phone numbers, which eliminates the need to purchase many SIM cards. Many group owners are interested in the question: "How to promote a VKontakte group? ". An important point is preparing the group for action.

The owner should configure the parameters (the "Page Management" tab ), choose an original avatar that reveals the features of the thematic focus. It is important to fill and promptly update the contents of the wall using unique posts.

You are welcome to add additional information: links, notes, contacts, addresses, photos.Personalization of the group is of great importance - communication with subscribers is “live”.

How to promote a group with your VK accounts?

Attracting people using your own pages follows the following scheme:

  1. Creating several personal accounts, working in parallel, for fullness. They need to be registered as members of the group, you can “make friends.” Having your own accounts will “ensure” mutual likes and comments

  2. Setting the parameters of desired participants among users on the site

  3. Visiting other people's pages with the aim of inviting them to the group via messages.
Invitations must be individual in nature and not be regarded by the system as spam. You should not send the same type of mailing to other people's accounts. Every 24 hours the group is replenished with a maximum of 40 participants. There is a minus - there is a high probability of a ban for suspicious activity. It is recommended to personalize your pages by setting various parameters gender, age, type of activity of the participants and providing them with realistic avatars. Subsequently, this will allow you to form opinions on the issues discussed and guide sentiments. You should organize thematic promotions, competitions, surveys that increase activity and allow you to expand your audience.
Effective option - interaction with thematic groups of a similar nature, exchange of participants. It is necessary to monitor partner communities for the presence of real subscribers, the nature of activity, frequency of updates, absence of spam.

Mutually beneficial cooperation occurs - new people are attracted thanks to reposts on the walls of interacting groups. The disadvantage is long-term monotonous activity aimed at contacting administrators of similar groups. A complete exchange cannot be guaranteed - a certain percentage of interested people will register in the creator’s group. The positive point is the absence of costs, attraction real participants.

Is it worth doing promotion using accounts?

This method has serious disadvantages, it takes a lot of time. The user will not be able to create a sufficient number of pages on his own, which results in low group occupancy, absence/insufficient activity.

A competent way of successful promotion is the use of paid services, offering the purchase of ready-made pages. Our online store offers a range of ready-made pages.

VKontakte accounts autoreg without an owner were created manually or automatically.Mass registration occurs using devices that have an impressive number of SIM cards, providing “high-speed” creation of pages. Authors are decorated with avatars, often being in mutual friendship. Bot pages are a good option for starting short-term work projects online. When used skillfully, they provide highly effective promotion. This is explained by the desire of real members of the social network to join promoted groups with subscribers.
Extending the life of the autoreg page will allow access to the network through different browsers, IP addresses. The cost of the bot depends on the quality of filling out the account, the presence of a telephone connection.

It is worth paying attention to VKontakte accounts brut (fake) - they are offered by unscrupulous sellers on the Internet as an option for quick promotion. The benefits of promotion using purchased pages are obvious: a group created recently is thriving and developing, attracting interested people!

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