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What accounts are suitable for registering at poker sites?

Poker accounts for playingRecently, poker is no longer played in real casinos, but increasingly on the Internet.

We can even say that online poker has become widespread. This is due to the speed of the gameplay and the ability to withdraw winnings online.

Most poker clubs have various promotions and bonuses upon registration. This is what we will discuss below, we will tell you which accounts for poker are better to buy.

We will talk more about mailboxes, since a mailbox is mainly used for registration.

In any poker site, you must first activate your mailbox, mostly real poker sites for playing are English-language and Russian-language mail (on the so-called .ru domains) is not suitable for registration

We are a 100% reliable account store!
Пункт 1

We send accounts in just 5 seconds to your e-mail address!

Пункт 2

Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!

Пункт 3

We automatically create a personal account with the history of all your orders

Пункт 4

Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)

Пункт 5

Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service, service, forum

Пункт 6

Our accounts work stably on most types of Proxy

Which emails are not suitable for registering in Poker?

In most cases, after registration, to activate your poker account you need to go to your email and activate your account. This is usually done using the activation link.

It’s not entirely clear why, but most Russian-language emails don’t receive links at all. Apparently this is due to the reluctance of poker clubs to work with Russian users.

Here is a list of emails that will not work:

  • All mails (domains,,,
  • Yandex Mail
  • Mail Rambler
  • Any other mailboxes ending with *.ru

Many of our clients note the fact that they need domains in the zone *.com or *.net. They are best suited!

Which postal services are suitable for Poker!?

As you understand from the previous phrases, for registration in online poker any accounts with domains *.com are ideal. Examples of such accounts are the following services:

  2. Mail (suitable, but not always)
  3. Mail (most popular)
  4. Mail (less popular)
  5. Mail (not very stable)

However, not all accounts for playing poker can be easily used. For example, when registering through or mail, problems may arise. The thing is that these email services are correct not very stable.

Roughly speaking, mail can be blocked at any time. As a result, having an account in which you play on such mail is very risky. This point must be taken into account. The most stable (according to our clients) are or accounts.

Accounts for playing poker must be registered to the most stable mailboxes.You need to choose the appropriate type by trial and error yourself!

Why do they create many accounts in Poker?

Most poker accounts are created with 3 purposes: either independent play, or receiving a bonus from the casino, or for the purpose of sales.

  1. Self-play: simply uses a basic set of accounts to implement different gameplay schemes.

    For example, playing at different tables or with your friends, and so on. Methods for obtaining benefits are constantly changing, we do not keep track of them...

  2. Receiving a bonus from a casino: most poker clubs issue a certain bonus in the form of money. Very often the size of such a bonus reaches $20-100. The bonus is issued for registering a new user.

    It is for this purpose that new profiles are created in order to receive this particular bonus.

    Then the money is withdrawn according to various schemes.

  3. For the purpose of selling an account: for many foreign players, it is extremely difficult to register accounts manually or they are simply too lazy to do it.

    For these purposes, they hire contractors who do their dirty work for them. Then such poker accounts are simply sold (with or without balance).

    Only a few have this method of earning money, since it is extremely difficult to reach buyers. Most players in the proc remain anonymous.

This is a basic set of working methods, of course there are others. If you are interested in the email accounts for registering in poker described in the article, you can buy them. To do this, click on the button below and we will open a price list for you with our mailboxes.

Service presentation - how to place an order!

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