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What accounts are needed for Key Collector?

Key Collector ProgramIn this article we will talk in detail about which accounts are best to buy for the Key Collector program.First, let's figure out what Key Collector is.

You can find this program by typing the phrase “Key Collector” into Yandex. The site will be the very first. This program is paid and is tied to your account and PC.

We personally recommend purchasing this program with a license, since it is relatively inexpensive, at the time of writing no more than 2000 rubles.

Key Collector is a special software to help a webmaster promote a website. With its help, you can quickly and conveniently collect phrase keys to promote your website, determine the number of requests for them, competition, and generally evaluate traffic.

This program is necessary for any webmaster if he is engaged in website promotion.

You can work in this program either from your computer or using proxy addresses. This is done to expand the functionality and work much faster.

Also, for parsing keywords in large volumes, it is better to use special Yandex accounts. In our store, these accounts have the prefix KC (which means “Key Collector”).

For example, KC - this type of account is specially created to work in this program.

You can buy key collector accounts in our service, to do this, click the button below.

We are a 100% reliable account store!
Пункт 1

We send accounts in just 5 seconds to your e-mail address!

Пункт 2

Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!

Пункт 3

We automatically create a personal account with the history of all your orders

Пункт 4

Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)

Пункт 5

Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service, service, forum

Пункт 6

Our accounts work stably on most types of Proxy

How long do Kay Collector accounts last?

The lifespan of regular accounts from Yandex is a couple of days; when used in a key collector, they die very quickly and may not earn money at all. Accounts with the KC prefix (that is, special accounts for Key Collector) - live long enough with proper use.

They are 100% suitable for use in this program. Their lifespan depends on the degree of load on them, the less often you use them, the longer they will live. The service life is also affected by the total number of requests made through them.

You can extend the service life of accounts purchased from us by using 100 - 500 accounts at once, instead of a small batch.

By distributing the number of requests across all accounts evenly, you will use them for a long time and they will last much longer.The daily request limit for 1 account will be distributed across all accounts, and no blocking will occur.

We also recommend using Russian-language private proxies to extend the life of your accounts.

This will save your time and nerves - these proxies are usually an order of magnitude faster than public ones, and as practice shows, Yandex blocks accounts less often.

It is acceptable to use 1 unique IP address for 5 accounts. The more unique IP addresses there are, the better it will be.

Are regular Yandex accounts suitable?

Ordinary accounts from Yandex are not suitable for use in the Key Collector program. For what reason - we cannot say, since otherwise anyone will compete with us and create them themselves. This is our trade secret, since we sell these accounts.

We can only clarify that on special accounts the limits for requests in Yandex have been increased, and these accounts are registered from white IP addresses.

That is why they allow you to make queries in Yandex Wordstat and collect statistics at higher speeds than at normal speeds.

If you are interested in special accounts for the Key Collector program, then feel free to click on the buttons below and look for accounts with the prefix “KC”

on the page

Service presentation - how to place an order!

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