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Important information - service for boosting clicks and transitions. Increase clicks on banners and advertisements, templates and actions, transitions, choice of geotargeting, control panel, conversion statistics, traffic criteria, geo and countries. High-quality traffic, promotion of any actions for your projects and sites. ADVERTISING

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How to make money on

The authors of the project are fundamentally against comparing their brainchild and the social network. Indeed, blogs are a service, the main difference of which is the opportunity to earn real money for the same actions as in social networks.

We are a 100% reliable account store!
Пункт 1

We send accounts in just 5 seconds to your e-mail address!

Пункт 2

Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!

Пункт 3

We automatically create a personal account with the history of all your orders

Пункт 4

Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)

Пункт 5

Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service, service, forum

Пункт 6

Our accounts work stably on most types of Proxy

Golos io how to make money?

Answer: You are only required to write articles, create content (interests are not limited), view, like posts of other authors. For example, you are a school teacher, or are simply interested in this topic.

You post your thoughts in the “Education” section (topics are distributed by tags). People read them, start liking them - they like them. They repost you, subscribe and start discussing you. For all this you get money.

Inside the platform, they are called “GBG” or “Gold”. For beginners, it is really important to transfer all this earnings into the “Power of Voice”, thanks to which they will subsequently earn even more.

View of the site

The developers say that it is pointless to sell domestic currency on crypto exchanges, urging users to “work for the future.” According to them, the platform is still too young, and over time it will give you even greater and stable earnings, and investments in its development will only increase income in perspective.

For example, you are an entrepreneur, an IT specialist, a designer, an activist in any direction. It doesn’t matter, the main thing is to be able to realize yourself and create a golos account.

The scheme is simple: register, write the first post - a greeting, where you tell about yourself (who, where, why here, what you do, etc.). Be creative, and if difficulties arise, you will find a lot on the Internet samples of similar texts.

So, everything is as simple as possible: write posts about your life, activities, write honestly and interestingly. Upload your work to the site, for public access. Done, you have orders.

In addition to the social activity of users (likes, reposts, etc.), you can accept additional orders, which means double benefits.

It is recommended that the author, so that the information does not get lost in the mass of posts, additionally upload his work to the website - one of the projects of Golos users.

Important things about

Some important facts:

  1. Uniqueness.

    Posts must be original and unique; it is not enough to simply copy or rewrite other people’s work. The user does not receive anything for this, and may even be punished.The authors encourage original writing of information.
  2. A significant parameter is the volume of posts per day.

    A maximum of four articles can be published. If the rules are violated, the user receives fines and earns less. It is recommended to post no more than one text per day, but it should be interesting and unique.

Service presentation - how to place an order!

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Buy accounts to earn money is a social platform of a new format. In it, the user receives a reward for his activity and participation in the life of the project. Any action you take, regardless of whether it’s a post, like, or comment, will bring you Golos cryptocurrency. If you want to start working on this...

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