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How to find out the password saved in the browser?

Recovering a forgotten passwordMany active Internet users register with new services every day, so frequent questions arise about how to recover your password through a browser quite often.

Despite the fact that many people use one password for several services at once (which is strictly not recommended for account security reasons), people still tend to forget various information.

In this article we will take a detailed look at the answers to the question “how to find out a forgotten password” if you do not have access to your login or email.

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Most modern Internet browsers such as Yandex, Google Chrome and Mozilla have the ability to remember passwords, so this feature can be used as a method to recover a forgotten password.

If, on the contrary, you want to enable the function of remembering passwords, then go to the settings section of your browser and enable this feature. Let's look at the process of determining a saved password using the example of the Yandex browser:

  1. Go to the “Settings” tab

    Yandex browser settings
  2. To quickly find the section with information, we recommend entering “passwords” in the search for settings

    Saved passwords
  3. After the search is complete, the “Saved Passwords” tab will appear, where all the data about previously entered authorization information is located.

Thus, the answer to the question of how to find out the password if it is saved is fully disclosed on the access recovery page.

If you encounter any difficulties using this method, we recommend that you watch training videos on the topic on the YouTube video hosting site, where the listed steps for determining a saved login are clearly demonstrated.

How to find out the password if you forgot your login?

If you do not have access to your account login, then the only way to log in to your personal account or email is to recover your password. In most cases, this procedure is carried out using a previously attached mailbox.

On the account login page there is always a section with access restoration.In some cases, you can open access to your personal account via a mobile phone.

More detailed information about restoring login is posted on the Yandex page

Here are the main points thanks to which the support service can find a lost login and provide it to you.

Using the Yandex browser as an example, you can understand the principles by which data for authorization in your personal account is restored.

Yandex instructions about passwords

If the question is “how to find out the password saved in the browser?” is solved quite easily for users, the process of restoring access without a login can take much longer, so sometimes it’s easier to create a new personal account.

Important!To avoid situations with access restoration, when registering new “accounts”, we recommend taking screenshots or notes in the “notes” of your smartphone.

How to find out the password if you forgot your email?

If you registered your account using a mailbox to which you currently do not have access, then in this case we recommend following these steps:

  • Restore access by entering a security code (this code can be received on the mobile phone number specified during registration)
  • Answer the secret question and change login
  • Contact the administrator and provide him with all the necessary data

If you used a security question to protect your mail, the answer to which you do not remember now, follow these steps:

  • Change the keyboard layout
  • Turn on or off “Caps Lock”
  • Use different transliteration options

After several unsuccessful attempts, you will be asked to contact the support service, whose employees will explain in more detail how to find out the password and regain access to your personal account.

How to find out a forgotten password on your phone?

Since most Internet users now use mobile clients as a browser, the question “how to find out a forgotten password on your phone?” is relevant.

Depending on the type of mobile browser (as well as the type of operating system), the process for recovering a forgotten password may differ, but the main steps are almost identical.

Let's look at the main ways to determine passwords on your phone:

  1. Mobile versions of browsers also have a function for saving passwords, so if it was enabled at the time of your authorization, then restoring access will not be difficult: 1) first go to the browser settings

    Browser settings on your phone

    2) then move to the “passwords” section, where in the “password list” tab you can find the necessary authorization data

    Saved passwords on your phone

  2. If you use the browser under an account, then to access the list of data you will have to repeat the account password.

    Important! The auto-save password feature only works on those sites and services where you allow the use of this feature.In other cases, the function does not start, which makes it impossible to restore data through the browser.

This method is only suitable for answering the question of how to find out the saved password, while without the autosave function it will be much more difficult to access a forgotten account.

First of all, we recommend using the standard recovery form, which can help users who attach an active mailbox or a valid phone number to their account.

Important! As a last resort, when you can’t restore your account using any of the above methods, and you don’t need to create a new account, contact the service developer’s office for help, or prepare a registered letter with all the necessary data.

A template for such a letter can be found on the official websites of the service, in the “security” and “support” sections.

Service presentation - how to place an order!

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