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What is a VPN and how is it different from a Proxy?

What is a VPNIn this article we will talk in detail about what a VPN is and why it is used. Many users, before buying accounts from us, are interested in questions - is it necessary to use a proxy? What is a proxy in general? and many other questions for beginners. It is definitely worth understanding the difference between a VPN address and a Proxy in order to use it correctly in the future. In this article, we will tell you everything in detail and explain in detail the main differences between a proxy and an anonymity VPN... So, let's talk about everything in order.

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We are a 100% reliable account store!
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Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!

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Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)

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What is a VPN?

VPN - or in Russian VPN (Virtual Private Network) is an analogue of a proxy, only its use, in addition to hiding the real IP address, transmits all your traffic in encrypted form. If, in the case of using a proxy, It is enough to enter the proxy address itself (Ip:port and possibly a password) in the browser settings, but in the case of a VPN everything is much more complicated. The thing is that the VPN encrypts all traffic on your computer, that is, if a browser is running on the computer, then it will encrypt its traffic. If Skype also works, then so will its traffic. Any Internet programs will work through a VPN that is currently turned on. Of course, in some programs it is possible to selectively disable/enable traffic encryption for certain applications, but often there are no such capabilities. For a VPN to work, you will need to install a special program; usually this program and instructions for working with it are given by the site where you bought access to use the VPN. All use comes down to simply installing the program and entering your login/password. Also in such applications It is possible to select the country of the IP address through which the IP address will be issued.

Using a VPN allows you not only to hide your real IP address, but also allows you to encrypt all your traffic. Roughly speaking, all traffic from any application is encrypted.

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What is Proxy?

A proxy server is an intermediate server (from the English proxy - “authorized”) between your computer and a web resource. In general, smart definitions are very difficult to remember and do not provide a clear understanding, so in simple terms in language, a proxy is a gateway. Roughly speaking, using a proxy you do not communicate with any specific site, but communicate with it using a gateway. If you explain this at the simplest language level, then a proxy is like a “glove”. For example, you touch something -not with bare hands, but with “gloves.” That is, your “hands” will always remain clean.It is for these purposes that proxies are used; they act as an intermediary (“gloves”), hiding your real IP address and Internet connection data.

The use of proxies is very often due to the need to change the IP address, for example, to log in to a site. Proxies are also used if a site is blocked for visiting from a certain Geo, in this case they simply take a proxy of the desired country and through them they access the desired resource.

On our own behalf, we conditionally divide proxy addresses into high-quality and bad. High-quality are those proxy addresses that actually hide your real IP address; very often, by analyzing connections of this type, it is even impossible to say that a person is using a proxy. We classify them as bad all the others - they only create the illusion of anonymity, but with a more in-depth analysis they immediately show the user’s real data. An important feature of proxy addresses: they encrypt mainly HTTP traffic (that is, the exchange of the browser with sites).

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Differences between VPN and Proxy

There is no concept of what is better to use a VPN or a proxy. You just need to clarify for what needs you want to use this or that principle of anonymity.Differences between VPNs:

  1. High encryption strength compared to proxies (both traffic and connection data are encrypted)
  2. High traffic transfer speed (via VPN you can watch online movies, or even download large files)
  3. Vpn will not allow you to change IP addresses thousands of times (usually the set of IPs for changing is limited to a few IPs)
  4. Vpn encrypts all applications, this increases your anonymity
  5. Experience required in installation and use
  6. Suitable only for use in a couple of accounts (we are talking about manual use)

Differences Proxy:

  1. Proxy reliability is only about protecting and hiding the real IP address
  2. Proxy does not encrypt traffic
  3. Easy to use, no additional programs required
  4. Supported in operation via any browser
  5. Suitable for use in mass operations (for example, working through 5-20 thousand proxies is easily implemented in the ZennoPoster program)
  6. Not high speed (always inferior to VPN)
  7. Proxy servers can transfer your information and information about you to anyone
Personally, we recommend using a VPN if you work with 5-10 accounts; if you need many unique IPs, then it is better to use a proxy.

On our website you can buy various social networking and email accounts, just click on the button below. The administration does not provide support for proxy or VPN issues.

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