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What is account brute force?

Brutus accountsWe have already talked a lot about brute accounts, but many users still have questions.

What is account brute force? - This is simply hacking into the account of a living user, and the hacking method is completely unimportant.

Such accounts are obtained in many ways, in this article we will analyze the main ones.

In this article we will analyze the main points of working with brute force, whether it is dangerous or not and what you need to pay attention to first. These questions worry users very often, so we will analyze each point separately...

If you want to buy brute accounts of various social networks, then click the button below and choose!

We are a 100% reliable account store!
Пункт 1

We send accounts in just 5 seconds to your e-mail address!

Пункт 2

Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!

Пункт 3

We automatically create a personal account with the history of all your orders

Пункт 4

Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)

Пункт 5

Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service, service, forum

Пункт 6

Our accounts work stably on most types of Proxy

Types of brute accounts

Brute accounts - they are also linked, this is a method of hacking accounts. Very often this method is called brute force (from the English word bruteforce). In short, many call these accounts simply brute.

In fact, these are accounts of living people who have gained access. Access is usually just a password from the account. Our service has never hacked into other people’s accounts and does not promote it, we only unite sellers and buyers, that’s all..

Very often there are three main methods of obtaining brute:

  1. Brute force - abbreviated as brute force, the method used to gain access is brute-force passwords from a list. Usually all passwords that are used to match accounts are very simple.

  2. Fake is a method of obtaining passwords based on social engineering or other deception of the user. He enters his password himself on a similar site, and understands nothing at all. Sometimes people confuse brute accounts and fake accounts and call both types the same. Fake accounts - more reliable, since in fact the user himself provides the password.

  3. Dump/Scrap - the method of obtaining in these methods is very, very simple. Attackers simply buy databases from other people, or buy access to other people's sites. As a rule, users use the same passwords on all sites, therefore buying a user database from their using passwords from a certain site, you can automatically obtain passwords from everything else. Roughly speaking, data is purchased for subsequent analysis. Such databases are called a dump, or scrap.

Is it dangerous to work with a Brute in terms of the law?

Yes, it is definitely dangerous, because you will be working with someone else’s account. All these actions are illegal, because the account may turn out to be a popular person and he may sue you.

Of course, this is rare and happens in 0.05% of 100.In most cases, the people whose accounts are hacked are very far from the Internet and know practically nothing there. They are poorly savvy in using a computer, they have weak passwords and generally hide little about themselves.

In any case, be aware that using other people's accounts is against the law. We recommend doing this if you understand what you are doing.

How to work with brutes correctly?

To work correctly, first of all, you need to be anonymous. In case of any problems, it will be much better if you use a proxy for anonymity, then most problems can simply be avoided.

  1. Use a VPN or Proxy: it will be much better if you keep your IP address anonymous. In controversial situations, you will not worry so much about the consequences, since finding you in case of problems with the law will be very problematic.
  2. Use a clean browser: you don’t need to log into other people’s accounts using your usual browser; its activity history contains your personal actions. Most social networks, for example, save cookies to the browser’s memory. It’s better to use a third-party browser with a private tab that does not save your actions. For example, you can open such a tab in Google Chrome by pressing Ctrl + shift + N or Ctrl+Shift+P. Your data is not saved in these private tabs.
  3. Do not enter personal data when using other people's accounts: do not write your email, phone number and other personal data anywhere. This may affect your future work, it is better to use fictitious data.
If you see account names marked fake, brute, or from a dump, then know that these are accounts of living people. Forewarned is forearmed

You can buy fake accounts in our store. To purchase, just click on the button below and we will open all the items with prices.

Service presentation - how to place an order!

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