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What is in the .TXT file with accounts? Let's figure it out!

Contents of txt file
Most likely you opened this article from the robot of our site.

You don’t understand what kind of nonsense you received in the text file, what’s in there anyway? Some kind of code?

Let's take it in order, first read and think, and only then write to support!

  1. The text file sent from us always contains the extension .txt (this is a regular text document). It can be opened with any text editor. We recommend using the free editor Notepad++. It is free and always opens the files in the required encoding. There will be no problems with it.

  2. Inside the text file there may be a link to the archive or other content. This is normal. For example, telegram accounts are supplied as an archive for the portable version. The archive itself is uploaded to the cloud (Yandex Drive or Google). Just download the archive and use it. Link you need to paste it into the address bar of your browser.

  3. In all other cases, the file directly contains the login and password (or other access), depending on what came with the account. This can be not only the login and password, but for example additional mail, an answer to a security question, or something else.

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Examples of content in the file. How to understand where what is?

In all our accounts or accesses, one rule always applies: each account starts on a new line.

It doesn’t matter what volume this access is. It can be only 10-15 characters, or 1500-5000 characters. The rule is always exactly this.

Therefore, we recommend using good text editors that show the beginning of each line with numbers. This way you will never get confused.

The account format can contain different data: mail, password, just a login, or, for example, a token for authorization. The issuing format is always signed in the account description. If you don’t understand what goes for what, just look at the account description .The correct sequence will be indicated there.

The main data separator is the colon (:), comma (,) or pipe sign (|). The most popular, of course, is the colon (in 90% of cases you will receive a file with this separator).

When copying a login or password, pay careful attention to what exactly you are copying, or whether you accidentally captured other data from the account.

This error is very common among our clients.

For example, you received a file and it contains the following text.

1.The format is simple - Login: password

For example: 775676785631:qwerty123232

In this case, everything is extremely simple.

Login: 775676785631

Password: qwerty123232

2. A more complicated option - Login: password:id pages

For example: 775676785631:qwerty123:56789342

Login: 775676785631

Password: qwerty123

Page ID: 56789342

Be careful, many users copy the value qwerty123:56789342 into the password, but this is an error because the password here is different.

3.Complicated option - Login:password:token

For example: 775676785631:qwerty123:v51kmfg902bhd5r2j68vh1n698v91jh56vhn25jh3njq

Login: 775676785631

Password: qwerty123

Page ID: v51kmfg902bhd5r2j68vh1n698v91jh56vhn25jh3njq

Be careful, many users copy the value qwerty123:v51kmfg902bhd5r2j68vh1n698v91jh56vhn25jh3njq into the password, but this is an error.

Because the password here is different. There is no point in explaining why the token is needed, this is special code for programs that work using the API. The average user does not need it.

If you come across the format without a separating sign ( : or | or comma), for example 79999999999qwerty12374dsd3dsdsfsdfjj4656393dsdw, then write to us.

Probably an error occurred and you were given the wrong thing (however, this is very rare, less than 0.5% of cases).

4.Option - I’m not an attentive person, and I don’t read what they write.

Double-check the product description, it is quite possible that you did not buy an account, but a promo code or coupon.

Or it could be a list of some links for spam/chat/mailings. In this case, the file may contain some set of letters.For example: PTGECHHDDHDHDDH.It is clear that this is a promotional code.Apparently you mixed up.

Refund or replacement of such a product is not possible. If you have any doubts, ask a question before purchasing, not after it. We are not responsible for your actions, but you yourself.

We carefully try to filter products by requests and categories, but sometimes the description may simply contain the word Telegram, and the product name indicates “Moscow chat database Telegram for spam ".

As you understand, you are buying a database of chats, and not a Telegram account. Therefore, the access will simply contain links to chats.

Or an option with a promotional code. The title may simply indicate the word, in reality the full name of the product “Coupon for the promotion service for promotion, YouTube, Twitter" .From the name and description it is clear that this is not an account, but a coupon for some site.

Many clients begin to be indignant that the word is indicated there, but then another question for these same clients - not only is the word indicated there, there are also the words: YouTube, Twitter.

Why did you decide that this was a account?!

And remember - your inattention and actions are not someone else's fault.

We hope this article was useful to you! Team

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