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How do autoreg accounts differ from fake (brut) accounts?

Autoreg accounts or brutThese are very pressing questions. Many users do not understand the differences between these accounts. First, let's figure out what is essential difference, and then we’ll look at the advantages of each type (or even subtype).

So, autoreg accounts (abbreviated as autoregs) are accounts created for the purpose of sales, usually they are registered by the program.

Fake accounts - they are brute accounts, they are fake, they are accounts of real people. Below we will answer all the questions, read on!

Each of these accounts has pros and cons. It all depends on the task at hand and the way to solve it.

The stability and use of different types of accounts differ so much that we will consider each separately, and the conclusion, as usual, will be made by the user himself

Autoreg accounts: features of use and characteristics

Firstly, these accounts are much more stable in operation, we will describe the remaining characteristics like this:

  1. They are registered by the program (this is a plus), they are all usually the same by eye and do not differ from each other with super filled profile fields (for example, profile settings, avatar, profile)
  2. Can be activated by SMS or not. They can also be activated only by mail. Activated by SMS are considered reliable
  3. The fullness of the profile greatly affects the final price of the account, which is why they are usually empty
  4. These accounts are used in the future by only one person - who will buy them (if the seller does not sell them to several hands)
  5. They live long enough if you know how to use them correctly and maintain anonymity on the Internet (log in from different IPs, browsers, etc.)

In general, these accounts are suitable for promotion on the network (for example, various actions). The stability of the accounts gives the right to work with them for a long time, this increases their efficiency. However, like all types of accounts, they can be blocked sooner or later.

All accounts activated via SMS are usually created using online activation services via SMS, therefore there is no physical access to a specific phone number.

Hence it turns out that any account check will end in error. After all, there is no number.

Activation services do not store these numbers, they disappear just as they appear. That is, even if you want to activate your number or receive a code to confirm some action, it will be impossible!!!

We are a 100% reliable account store!
Пункт 1

We send accounts in just 5 seconds to your e-mail address!

Пункт 2

Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!

Пункт 3

We automatically create a personal account with the history of all your orders

Пункт 4

Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)

Пункт 5

Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service, service, forum

Пункт 6

Our accounts work stably on most types of Proxy

Fake accounts (brute): features of use and characteristics

Guys, you won’t believe it. But every 5th question is what is “brut”. Let’s finally answer.Brute is a method of searching passwords for a specific login. Usually the method itself is called brute force (or “brute force”, “frontal attack”).

That is, a hacker, who is also an account getter, begins to guess certain passwords to access a certain type of account; if the password is correct, then access is obtained.

In practice, hacking of any specific account is not used, a database of many thousands is taken and they are all “broken”, i.e. a password is selected for them. Passwords are selected from the most common ones, for example 1234, qwerty and others.

From many thousands of attempts, successful matches are found, and the accounts go on sale. It is these “matched” accounts (i.e., mined using the brute program) that are called brute accounts!

The second name for accounts is fakes, or fake accounts. The method of obtaining such accounts is slightly different. Here the user himself enters data on someone else’s website, thereby revealing the password.

Typically, passwords are entered on very similar social networking sites. That is, the user logs into some resource, outwardly it looks like VKontakte, but in fact it is a third-party site.

After entering the username and password, they are sent to a stranger, and the user himself is sent to the real site. Such accounts are called fake!

We have combined these two types of accounts into one because they are essentially hacked accounts of strangers. Here are their characteristics

  1. First and most important - they “die like flies”, i.e. they live for a maximum of 1 week
  2. The cause of death is always the same - the owner notices that he is not the only one using his account
  3. There is usually no guarantee for such accounts, only at the time of purchase
  4. Usually filled out very well, because this is the account of a living person
  5. Difficult to use correctly for an ordinary person (otherwise they die quickly)

In general, these accounts are suitable for spamming, sending messages, and making various kinds of profit. After all, these are accounts of living people.

Perhaps it was from one of these accounts that you once received a letter on the social network VKontakte with the text Hello, can you lend me money for your phone?...Roughly speaking, this type of account is used to obtain benefits through deception.

These accounts are called garbage, because after their one-time use they can be deleted, most likely 90% of them will already be blocked.

The reasons may be different: the owner changed the password, the service noticed the hacking of the account and changed the user’s password, you gave yourself away and blocked the account.

The words “die” and “die” mean that the real owner changed the password!

The site administration does not hack accounts to order, and does not promote it.We just unite sellers and buyers, nothing more! The site administration does not sell hacked, stolen and so-called brute accounts.

Service presentation - how to place an order!

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