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VKontakte accounts for girls or boys, where to buy?

VKontakte accounts of girls or boys
Social networks have long ceased to be ordinary tools for transmitting messages and content. Now accounts on the Vkontakte, Instagram and Odnoklassniki platforms can be used as additional methods of promoting your product or service. Depending on the type of service being promoted, community administrators try to attract new users according to specific parameters. If there are special programs and services for the gradual promotion of communities on social networks, then for some purposes it is necessary to use other methods.

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We are a 100% reliable account store!
Пункт 1

We send accounts in just 5 seconds to your e-mail address!

Пункт 2

Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!

Пункт 3

We automatically create a personal account with the history of all your orders

Пункт 4

Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)

Пункт 5

Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service, service, forum

Пункт 6

Our accounts work stably on most types of Proxy

For example, you want to create a mailing list of messages from a specific user whose page corresponds to the advertised product, you have to create new accounts filtered by gender. In any case, when independently promoting a community, the user may need several active social network pages at once, especially if promotion occurs on Vkontakte. Let's look at several main advantages of ready-made accounts that can be purchased in our account store:
  • Ability to maintain anonymity
  • In case of violations of the VKontakte rules, the community may be frozen along with its administrator’s page, so it will not be superfluous to have several active pages in reserve
  • Ready-made accounts can be used to create “activity” on the page of a promoted group or community.

Important! All VKontakte accounts presented on the main page of our store were obtained legally, so you will not have any problems during their operation.

As already noted, VKontakte pages can be used for both personal and commercial purposes, so the demand for them is quite high. In our account store you can buy VK account, registered as guys, and for girls, so such accounts can be used for a variety of purposes. To familiarize yourself with the entire range of accounts, we recommend visiting the main page of the online store. Here you can also study in detail all the warranty conditions for purchased accounts.
You can buy a vk account with gender filtering either in a single copy or as a whole package.

It’s immediately worth noting that before purchasing an account you need to read the recommendations for its use.

If one of the points of the rules is not observed, the administration has the right to refuse to issue a refund.

Important!Many users involved in self-promotion of communities may have noticed that you can buy a VK account directly in the communities of this social network.

However, most of these groups are blocked by the VK administration in the shortest possible time, which makes it impossible refund for inactive accounts.

In any case, to purchase pages you need to use only trusted resources, one of which is our service.

To purchase VK accounts filtered by gender, go to the main page of our store, then in the search bar for “products” indicate what type of account you need.

Examine the list of offers and proceed to pay for accounts. If you have any questions, please contact customer support.

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Why do we need accounts filtered by gender?

While reading this article, some visitors to our portal might have wondered for what purposes accounts filtered by gender can be used.

If for experienced community administrators the answer to this question has long been known, then for “newbies” in This area deserves some clarification:

  1. Accounts filtered by gender allow the user to use all possible methods of promoting the community. For example, if the topic of the group is suitable for girls, advertising for this community will be more effective if female accounts are used for mailing

  2. In addition to commercial purposes, VK pages are often purchased for personal purposes. A fairly popular way to use a purchased account is to check your other half for “fidelity”

  3. Not all users like to show off their personal data on social networks, so they use fake pages to log in.

    Accounts filtered by gender are almost ideal in this case, since most of the ones presented accounts for sale were registered several years ago, which does not arouse suspicion among other users.

Interesting fact. In most cases, when users want to hide personal data, many of them decide to buy a female VK account.

How to make money on a girl’s VKontakte account?

Now on the Internet there are a lot of detailed ways to make money through social networks, but the question of how to make money on a girl's account is described quite rarely.

Some of the methods are relevant only for specific types of pages. In this In this section we will consider the question of how to make money for a user who has decided to buy VKontakte accounts for girls:

  1. Spam mailing.As statistics show, the most active users of the VKontakte social network are guys, so administrators, in order to make money on a VK account, want to attract as many active male subscribers to their group as possible. It is logical that the largest number of responses from guys can be obtained with the help of advertising mailings from girls

  2. Selling goods. Many male users of social networks are engaged in online sales through internal services, while selling women's goods.

    Since there is no personal meeting for this type of transaction, buyers are met as an online consultant specifically women's VKontakte accounts, which can be purchased in our store.

Mass liking can also be considered a way to make money through women’s VK accounts, since in most cases, responses to “likes” from girls arouse much more interest among users than “male” likes.

How to make money on a guy's VKontakte account?

As in the case of VK girls’ accounts, users who decide to buy a men’s VK account use similar methods to make a profit.

In general terms, the principles of making money on guys’ accounts are not much different from female accounts, but there are still some differences.

We list the main ways to earn money for page owners whose “Gender” column is marked “Male”:

  • Sales of goods and services through VKontakte services. Each product has its own characteristics that can be suitable for either girls or boys, so suitable accounts should be used for sales
  • Providing online services. Nowadays, services for providing services online are quite popular on the Internet, so special “work” (or “corporate”) accounts are used to communicate with clients. For example, when providing legal advice, to communicate with It is recommended that clients use prepared pages, because people study the page in detail before asking for help.
In any case, social network accounts are constantly blocked by the administration of communities and groups for various violations, so some users specifically purchase ready-made pages as “spare” ones.

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